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Stereochemistry Introduction


During early days of development of organic chemistry, the chemists frequently encountered two or more compounds that had same molecular formula yet different physical/chemical properties.
It was later realize that the difference in their properties of compound was due to their difference in their structure.


          Such compounds which posses the same molecular formula but different structures are known as isomers and this phenomenon is known as isomerism.

     1= Constitutional Isomerism                                               2= Stereoisomerism
  • Chain Isomerism
  • Position Isomerism
  • Functional Isomerism
  • Metamerism Isomerism
  • Tautomerism                                    

Constitutional  Isomerism or structural isomers is shown by the compounds that have the same molecular formula but different connectivity.

i.e sequence in which the atoms are bonded to each other in a molecule.

  1. Chain Isomerism:

Those with Same molecular formula but differ in order in which the carbons are bonded to other is called chain isomers and this phenomena is known as Chain isomerism.

  1. Position Isomerism:

 Same molecular formula but differ in the position of functional group is said to be position isomers and this phenomenon is called position isomerism

Functional Isomerism:

Same molecular formula but different functional group.
CH3CH2OH                                             CH3-O-CH3
Ethylalcohol                                                 Dimethyl Ether


Unequal distribution of carbon atoms on either side of functional group.

CH3CH2-O-CH2CH3                                         CH3-O-CH2CH2CH3
Diethylether                                                                Methylpropyl ether

                 H                                                                                  H
CH3CH2-N-CH2CH3                                          CH3CH2CH2-N-CH3
 Diethylamine                                                              Methyl ropyl amine


Type of functional isomerism in which the isomers are in dynamic equilibrium with each other.. Most coomonly they are also called as Keto or Enol form
keto= ketone group
enol= alcohol group

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